Peel potatoes & cut into quarters or size required.
Pop into a small tin foil container & spray 5 times of extra virgin olive oil spray on them. Juggle them about till oil covers them all & pop into air fryer for 15 minutes on 160 degree's. When times up, shake them to turn & pop in for another 15 minutes on 180°F..
When cooked, serve! Voila no grease!!! If making more simply peel potatoes, weigh for calories & just add 5 calories..I ever only use 5 sprays..
After imitate The recipe above we believe you can create a dish Roast Potatoes Healthy, Low Calorie & quick. 89 calories, no grease. the Delicious and Nycmat. Hopefully Guide Cooking Roast Potatoes Healthy, Low Calorie & quick. 89 calories, no grease. This is tempting can useful for you everything . Thank you