How to Cook Tasty Good Morning! Healthy Breakfast Scramble

Healthy , recipes forweight loss.

Good Morning! Healthy Breakfast Scramble. -

How To Easy Cooking Good Morning! Healthy Breakfast Scramble the easy

Good Morning! Healthy Breakfast Scramble

You can create Good Morning! Healthy Breakfast Scramble use 9 bahan dan 4 steps. Here are the steps to make it.

Ingredients of Good Morning! Healthy Breakfast Scramble :

  • We need 2 eggs.
  • We require 3 tbsp diced onion.
  • We need 1/4 diced jalepeno.
  • You need 3 tbsp diced zucchini or squash.
  • We require 3 tbsp diced bell pepper.
  • We require salt, pepper, garlic powder.
  • You require 1 tbsp butter.
  • We require extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil.
  • We need 1 tbsp water.

Instructions create Good Morning! Healthy Breakfast Scramble:

  • Saute onions, bell peppers, jalapeño and zucchini/squash until soft in about 1 tbs butter plus a tiny bit of oil to keep butter from burning (don't worry, it's healthy for you and helps your body digest nutrients).
  • Meanwhile, Scramble eggs and water in a bowl. Season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
  • Add eggs in pan and cook until no longer wet.
  • I eat my eggs with some salsa. Enjoy!.

After imitate The recipe above we believe you can create a dish Good Morning! Healthy Breakfast Scramble the Delicious and Nycmat. Hopefully Tutorial Cooking Good Morning! Healthy Breakfast Scramble This is tempting can useful for you all. Thank you

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