Recipe Appetizing Simple, Healthy and Additive-Free Vegetable Soup Curry

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Simple, Healthy and Additive-Free Vegetable Soup Curry. -

Method Easy Cooking Simple, Healthy and Additive-Free Vegetable Soup Curry the easy

Simple, Healthy and Additive-Free Vegetable Soup Curry

You can create Simple, Healthy and Additive-Free Vegetable Soup Curry use 13 bahan dan 11 steps. Here are the steps to make it.

Ingredients of Simple, Healthy and Additive-Free Vegetable Soup Curry :

  • We require 1 large Potatoes.
  • You require 1 large Carrot.
  • We require 1 large Onion.
  • We require 10 cm Daikon radish.
  • You require 200 ml Tomato sauce.
  • We require 1 Dashi stock sachet.
  • We need 1000 ml Water.
  • You require Flavoring ingredients:.
  • We require 1 tbsp Soy sauce.
  • We require 2 tbsp Sugar.
  • We require 1 tsp Salt.
  • We require 2 to 4 tablespoons Curry powder.
  • You require 1 to 2 tablespoons Olive oil.

Instructions create Simple, Healthy and Additive-Free Vegetable Soup Curry:

  • Prepare the ingredients. Use vegetables of your choice. I used the vegetables listed above..
  • This is my tomato sauce recipe "Tomato Sauce : Simply Simmer for a Rich, All-Purpose Sauce."..
  • Cut the vegetables into even sizes..
  • I use a pressure cooker for this. Put the vegetables and a bay leaf, if you have one, in a pressure cooker. Use a normal pot if you don't have a pressure cooker..
  • Add the dashi stock sachet or you can make dashi stock beforehand and add to the pot. A bay leaf is optional, but I prefer using it..
  • Pour 1000 ml of water in the pressure cooker. I like my pressure cooker because it cooks vegetables tender in a short time. It is a clever thing..
  • Add 200 ml of tomato sauce. You can use a tin of tomato instead, but if you use it, reduce the water by 200 ml..
  • Cover with a lid and bring to a boil. When the level of pressure is reached, cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. If you use a normal pot, cook until the vegetables are tender..
  • Turn off the heat after 10 minutes. After the pressure is released, uncover. This picture shows how it is just after removing the lid..
  • Add all the seasonings and stir gently with a wooden spatula. Turn on the heat until gently bubbling. Add some black pepper to taste..
  • Start with 2 tablespoons of curry powder. Check the taste and add more if you like. Add some olive oil if you like. Do not use it if you are on a diet..

After create The recipe above we believe you can make a dish Simple, Healthy and Additive-Free Vegetable Soup Curry the Delicious and Nycmat. Hopefully Tutorial Cooking Simple, Healthy and Additive-Free Vegetable Soup Curry This is tempting can useful for you all. Thank you

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