Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Healthy and Delicious Spinach Soup Recipe
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Healthy and Delicious Spinach Soup Recipe. -
System Easy Cooking Healthy and Delicious Spinach Soup Recipe the easy
You can create Healthy and Delicious Spinach Soup Recipe apply 9 bahan dan 7 steps. Here are the steps to make it.
Ingredients of Healthy and Delicious Spinach Soup Recipe :
We need 2 cups roughly chopped fresh spinach leaves.
You need 7-8 whole black pepper.
You require 1 bay leaf.
We need 1/2 finely chopped onion (medium size).
You require 4-5 finely chopped garlic cloves.
We need 1 tablespoon oil.
We need 1 cup low-fat milk.
We require to taste Salt.
We require pinch freshly crushed black pepper.
Guidelines create Healthy and Delicious Spinach Soup Recipe:
Heat a pan. Add oil. Add whole black peppers, bay leaf, chopped onion and chopped garlic. Saute until the onion becomes slightly golden brown..
Add roughly chopped spinach leaves. Saute and cook for 2 minutes on medium flame. Remember not to overcook..
Turn off the flame. Remove the bay leaf. Let it cool down completely..
Grind spinach into a smooth paste..
Now heat a deep pan. Add smooth spinach paste..
Add milk. Stir and bring it to boil for a minute. Turn off the flame..
Serve hot by adding a pinch of freshly crushed black pepper..
After following The recipe above we believe you can make a dish Healthy and Delicious Spinach Soup Recipe the Delicious and Nycmat. Hopefully Tutorial Cooking Healthy and Delicious Spinach Soup Recipe This is tempting can useful for you all . Thank you