Healthy Teriyaki Chicken Wrap . -
Method Easy Cooking Healthy Teriyaki Chicken Wrap the easy
You can create Healthy Teriyaki Chicken Wrap use 13 bahan dan 14 steps. Here are the steps to make it.
Ingredients of Healthy Teriyaki Chicken Wrap :
You require 1 ancient grains tortilla wrap with chia .
We need 1/4 tomato, diced .
We need 1/4 onion, diced .
We need 1 clove garlic, diced .
You need 1 small carrot, diced .
We need 1/4 red pepper, diced .
We need 1 bunch baby spinach, rinsed and chopped .
You need 1 mandarin orange, peeled .
You require 1 cup cooked quinoa .
You need 1 salt and pepper to taste .
You need 1 squeeze of teriyaki sauce .
You require 1 squeeze of poppy seed ranch .
We require 1/4 lb chicken breasts .
Signs create Healthy Teriyaki Chicken Wrap:
Preheat the first panfry to medim temperature..
Cut the chicken into bite sizes, then add a dash of salt and pepper..
When your panfry is ready, add a little bit of olive oil before placing your chicken..
Lower down the temperature, and add a lid on top; to moistened the chicken..
Prep your veggies according to the ingredient list. Before prepping, have your second frying pan ready by preheating at medium temperature..
Once the second pan is ready, add olive oil, garlic and onions. Let it sit until the onions are golden brown..
Throw in diced carrots and red peppers..
Check to see if the chicken is ready by cutting the chicken bite in half..
If the chicken is ready (or if it's nearly done) transport the chicken into the second frying pan..
Add tomatoes, diced carrots, orange and spinach. Stir stirr stirr! :).
3-5 minutes later, add the cooked quinoa..
Then, a squeeze of teriyaki sauce and a squeeze of poppy seed ranch dressing..
Place the finished product onto the tortilla wrap, and wrap them up tightly and....
Enjoy! Hope you had fun with this creation as much as I did!!.
After create The recipe above we believe you can create a dish Healthy Teriyaki Chicken Wrap the Delicious and Nycmat. Hopefully Guide Cooking Healthy Teriyaki Chicken Wrap This is tempting can useful for you everything . Thank you
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