Recipe Delicious Healthy Baked cornflake chicken

Healthy , recipes forweight loss.

Healthy Baked cornflake chicken. -

Method Easy Cooking Healthy Baked cornflake chicken the easy

Healthy Baked cornflake chicken

You can create Healthy Baked cornflake chicken apply 4 bahan dan 7 steps. Here are the steps to make it.

Ingredients of Healthy Baked cornflake chicken :

  • We need Cornflakes.
  • We need 4 Chicken breasts.
  • You require 8 oz flour.
  • You need 1 egg.

Signs create Healthy Baked cornflake chicken:

  • Put cornflakes into a bowl and crunch half of them.
  • Grab another bowl and put 4oz of flour and a egg.
  • Mix until it's stiff.
  • Add soda water or just water and a bit of sault.
  • Add 4oz of flour to another bowl.
  • Put bowls in this order first dip the chicken in the flour then In the batter and the cornflakes.
  • Put oil in the bottom of the pan if you are doing it in the oven.

After imitate The recipe above we believe you can make a dish Healthy Baked cornflake chicken the Delicious and Nycmat. Hopefully Tutorial Cooking Healthy Baked cornflake chicken This is tempting can useful for you everything . Thank you

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